VT Appointment 25-My Powerful Mind

Click here to read about last week’s appointment.

How Did the Last Two Weeks Go?

The last few weeks were exciting with broken furnaces in frigid temperatures and a host of kid’s activities all centered around Valentines Day.

I still stuck to my exercises, but with so much busyness I didn’t have much time to stop and think about my progress. In order for me to see in stereopsis I really have to relax and focus and that did not happen much.

My littles have discovered how fun my 3D anaglyph movies are to watch with the 3D glasses. They giggle and laugh and reach out for everything that appears to be sticking out. It’s actually fantastic because it give me clues on what I should be looking for. I love having them by my side to keep me company!

Overall, I feel like it has been WAY easier to consistently do my vision therapy homework and stay on schedule. I have it on my calendar every single day from 8-9am and I make sure to prioritize that time. Now I just need to make sure I’m being intentional and making the time I’ve set aside count. That means turning my phone off and ignoring notifications and getting my kids situated before I start.

It doesn’t always look perfect and I definitely get interrupted by my two little girls for potty breaks, help with a myriad of tasks that just can’t wait, and so many questions. But even little Everly is learning to wait to ask questions until I’m between exercises.

How Did My Appointment Go?

Progress Pictures don’t show progress very quickly, but I love having them to do 6 month comparisons to see how far I’ve come!

Binovi Touch Board

We started with the touch board and I stood on the balance ball and tried to be really intentional about pushing each button. Usually, I go to push it and have to adjust my finger last minute to be centered exactly on top of the button. Today I slowed down and told my brain to tell my finger to go exactly to the button. You know, like using telepathic powers to force my finger to the right spot. As silly as it sounds, it really works. Slowing down and reminding myself that my brain is in control makes a difference!

Virtual Reality

Nothing to report, we just spent about 5 minutes with me on VR doing the exercises on Optics Trainer.

Rope Vectogram

I haven’t been doing the gem vectogram for the last few weeks at home and I really struggle with it today in the office. I could barely see any depth. We came back to it after VTS4 and it was a little better, but not much.

Can I just say that it is so frustrating to feel like I have to do EVERY single thing every single day or I regress? I don’t have enough hours in the day.


Things went pretty well with VTS4 today. I stood on a balance board about 6 feet in front of the TV and was still able to see some depth. I love that we can add in some more challenging distractions and I can still do the exercises. There was nothing too new or interesting to report though.

I am falling behind in so many areas of my life and I need a break from my vision therapy appointments so I decided to take next week off. When I’m in this for the long haul, I have to give myself breaks! I am excited to take a break and hit the ground running in two weeks when I’m back in the office again.

Of course, I’ll keep going on the daily homework Dr. Dan assigns, this week is a little overwhelming so I might have to make some adjustments.


  1. Marsden Ball Games- Swing the ball and try to catch it with arms outstretched, first with an open palm, then with a fist. Make sure to keep both eyes engaged the whole time as it goes in and out.
  2. Spend 10-15 minutes AmblyoPlay with a focus on using peripheral vision and keeping a relaxed gaze.
  3. Gem Vectogram- Work on engaging and seeing the space without an object to help.
  4. Brock String- Do all the things and make it better. Cover and uncover eyes and try to see the difference.
  5. Virtual Reality- Spend 10 minutes on Optics Trainer, use other apps to see the SPACE!
  6. Read with both eyes engaged- Only 5 minutes each day! No going overboard and killing my brain allowed!

This week there is a big line up of daily exercises! When I have too many I usually will do all of them for a short time somedays and pick 4-5 exercises and go more in depth. Then next week we’ll remember to tone back a bit.

Reed about my next appointment here.

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