Vision Therapy Appointment #15 – I’m a Slacker

Click here to read about last week’s appointment.

How did the Last Two Weeks Go?

The last two weeks have been a struggle. I feel so unorganized and I’m suffering! I haven’t been eating well, I’ve lost my workout routine, religious study routine, vision therapy routine…I’m wondering what I have been doing all day. haha

I am putting together a huge fundraiser for my neighbors and I have been spending hours organizing, gathering donations, planning the meal, trying recipes and coordinating. I’ve lost all sense of balance, the good news is that I can easily swing back into balance, it will just take a little bit of careful planning.

I was only able to do my VT exercises 5 times in a two week period, usually I’m at 10-11 so I was worried about regression, there was a little regression, but nothing too serious.

Me focusing on straightening my eyes.

How Did the Appointment Go?

The appointment went okay, I was up at 4:45 with my baby and fighting a head cold so I was not at my best for sure.

Binovi Touch Board

I did the touch board with my left eye only, then my right, then both all while standing on a balance board. I am not great at it. I believe that I got 63 per minute with my right 67 with my left, then 71 with both.


Today I did show improvements with the ring. Usually I can only see the stereopsis and tell the difference if it is really far out or in. Today he was barely changing it for +1 to -1 and even doing it in ½ steps and I was still able to see the difference. He was excited about the progress and said that today was the best I’ve done.

Brock String

We worked with the Brock string some and that is were I realized I had regressed some. I just can’t quite see the “x” and with he added the vectograph to the string I wasn’t able to see the vectograph or the strings crossing. My brain was just tired. It was frustrating, but okay because I am now a little more motivated to be consistent with exercises for the next few weeks.

I have realized that tapping the vectogram with a pencil makes it even easier to see 3D. I touch the card with the eraser and then try to imagine where the ring is crossing the pencil. Is it at the eraser? The green part? The words written on the side? It’s helping me be more spacially aware of the ring.

Virtual Reality

My eyes were so exhausted at this point that we didn’t make a ton of progress. I have been struggling to see the tappy birds and I was really annoyed when one of the sides of the VR turned off and I was still able to determine which bird was closer or further. I don’t understand why I can do it with just one eye. There must be other cues that I’m reading. So frustrating.

So I am in a bit of a slump. I recognize that the slumps help me appreciate the victorious moments and weeks and give me the chance to reorganize my time and refocus on what is important. I can do all thing through Christ which strengthens me.


  1. Polamirror- Work on increasing the distance that I can stand from the mirror and still see both sides of the glasses as clear.
  2. Brock String- Open Periphery and try to see double with the beads before and after the one I’m concentrating on. Also try with the yoked prism or red/blue glasses to help give feedback.
  3. Gem Vectogram- Tap with a pencil, and add balance
  4. Virtual Reality- Relax and try to use both eyes and see the stereopsis. Especially with the stargazing app.

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