Do My Eyes Work Together?
Understanding your diagnosis and how your vision is working is a key to finding solutions.
Get this free test to see if and how both of your eyes are working together.
After you understand your vision a little better, take this free quiz to see if vision therapy, surgery, or a combination is the best fit for your diagnosis.
For the free guide to eating and diet that has been pivotal in my success, CLICK HERE.
Exercise Tips to Help Your Eyes Work Together
After three years of daily exercises I have learned to use both eyes together and see this amazing world in 3D.
But it wasn’t easy! I have researched, read, experimented and asked a million questions learning how to best exercise my eyes and I have picked up some tricks along the way.
To learn from me, you can start by signing up for my weekly email, TIP Tuesday, where I give out exclusive tips on exercises and all things strabismus.
Next dive into the articles with personal tips and tricks that have helped me. For the ultimate success, you’ll need Mastering Peripheral, the ultimate guide for seeing with depth.
I have also designed some downloadable PDFs with exercises that are available in my store.
Vision Therapy
Learn more about what vision therapy is, what to expect at your initial consult, what weekly appointments are like, how much it costs, and whether it is an option that could treat your specific diagnosis.
Spoiler alert: I am a big vision therapy fan, it is the glue that holds the eyes straight and keeps them that way! Surgery can make the eyes straight, but it won’t teach them to work together which often times results in a return of the eye turn.

Strabismus Surgery

Surgery is often required to fully fix strabismus, especially when the turn is a large angle and constant. For results that stick around, combining surgery with vision therapy is ideal.
Learn all about my experience with surgery, the results I got, and the tips I can offer.
See My Timeline
If you want to hear my personal story starting from the time I was born, until the present, I’ve got you covered with all the important details.
You can learn about the surgeries I had as a young child and those details, as well as the struggles that helped me find solutions as an adult.
I take you through my adventures with patching, vision therapy, surgery and more.

You can also schedule a consult with me and I can help you find answers for your specific struggles. You’ve got this.