This series of witty, inspiring, and fun word shape puzzles are designed to be used with a red lens patch for vision therapy. My mom, a graphic designer, originally designed them just for me, but we decided to share them with all of you! While it was designed for adults, it can be used by children too!
After purchasing, you will be able to download and print the file for use within your household. Thank you for supporting this site and keeping it going!
Two years ago I started vision therapy and I was mostly doing work with the red lens patch trying to wake up my right eye. I was getting bored of the same exercises over and over again and my mom came to the rescue and started creating these puzzles for me to do.
She designed the font to create word shape puzzles. Then she spent hours and weeks creating witty, inspiring, and fun puzzles for me to do with the red lens patch I’d been given by my optometrist.
Using the red lens patch is an anti-suppression treatment that is designed for vision patients who do not have binocular vision and one eye that is stronger than the other. The patient covers the strong eye with a patch that has a red lens. This forces the weak eye to become engaged when presented with anything red; crayons, pencils, balls, puzzles, etc. Because the strong eye is still active, binocular vision is improved. Read more over here.
These puzzles cancel really well with the patch and helped me wake up my weak eye and break suppression in preparation for gaining 3D vision.
I looked forward to my daily puzzle and they worked my eyes so well! We decided that some of you might enjoy doing them so I have added my mom’s collection of puzzles here. They would be perfect for anyone over about age 10, although some of them have humor that only older people might get.
The majority of the puzzles, are words shape puzzles, but there are also a few dot-to-dots.
This purchase gives you a downloadable file that you can print in color or in black and white depending on the difficulty level that you are seeking. Definitely ask your optometrist how they want you to use this product!
This is for personal use only and not available for resale.