Daily Life Highlights
I was only to do virtual reality for one day in the first week of May and the rest of my exercises only 3 days and I am noticing that my vision is weakening. The stereopsis is disappearing and my eye is turning in more. I am so appalled at how fast things change!
The rest of May brought less consistency than normal because of the busy nature of finishing school years and soccer seasons and all the things.
I have been extremely consistent with Syntonics. Every morning I go into my pitch black closet, stare into a red light and then stare into a green light (with special glasses) for 20 minutes while I listen to inspiring talks and podcasts. I have been doing it 5-6 days per week very consistently. I honestly have no idea if it is working and I’m just trying to stay open to it all. We are going to take a break in June. The in-office version definitely affects me more!
New Glasses
My mom has been making some fabulous new anaglyph glasses that I am loving. I will be adding them to my shop next week! Keep an eye out!

Emotion Code and Energy Work
I had an old friend reach out who wanted to work with me (for free!). She does work with the emotion code and energy work. I still don’t understand it all, to be honest, and it’s a little weird. But I choose to believe in most things because I love the way it feels to have hope and belief in things that I can’t understand, it’s just part of who I am.
We go through different parts of my body and clear out trapped negative emotions to make everything function better. It’s all over the phone and I don’t really get it, but I do spend the whole hour breathing deeply and trying to visualize negativity and tenseness leaving my body. At the end of our last appointment my ear started ringing so loudly and as she cleared out more negativity and reconnected me it suddenly stopped and I felt my head almost move back and I had that unmistakable feeling of being in the room not looking at the room.
Yes, it is strange and not science based, but it also makes sense to me and I love the idea of allowing all negativity to just leave and stop holding me back. I want to be clear inside so that I have optimal condition for my brain!

A Priesthood Blessing
I am a very religious person. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and one of the beliefs I love is that we have God’s priesthood on the earth today. I am able to ask my husband to give me a blessing by lying his hands on my head and saying the things that come to him (I believe through the Holy Ghost) and help God’s power and love come to me.
I asked for a healing blessing last Saturday and I was hoping for a miraculous, instantaneous healing, which didn’t happen. But I was promised that I will achieve my goal if I keep working and following inspiration that I receive.
At first I was a little discouraged, but I am ready to hit the ground running and keep working hard.
Appointment Highlights

May 4
Today we worked with the yoked prisms and balance first. Next we moved onto the swinging Marsden ball. I was really having a hard time seeing depth and it felt like everything was moving too quickly to make any connections.
I imagined that I was under water and tried to see, imagine really, the tiny bubbles in the water. It started to work and I felt my eyes change and the space was coming. Taking almost an entire week off of exercises definitely didn’t help today, but it will come back.
I did pretty well on VTS4, maybe not quite as well as last week, but well enough that he decreased my prism strength again so now my prism is only at 4 diopters. Is this actually happening? Am I getting close to the end? I can’t wait to see!
May 11
Everyone in the house is puking and I canceled, although I would have preferred to cancel the barf everywhere…
May 18
I forgot to take notes and I can’t remember too much. I know that my numbers were just a tiny bit better on VTS4 and I felt super sick afterwards from the syntonics and whatever else we did. May with 4 kids is crazy, there are only so many hours in a day, I feel like being a mom is walking leisurely down a path 60% of the time and an all out sprint the other 40%. May is the sprint of all the sprints. I’m just trying to maintain and hopefully progress a little through the crazy!
May 25
Today I tried taking medication for ADHD instead of drinking my normal zip fizz before my appointment. I have such a hard time making it through the whole appointment without completely loosing my focus. I feel like I can’t keep my eyes or my brain still and I’m just trying to figure out how to cope with it all. I don’t think the medicine really made a difference and it actually just felt weird so I’m going to just throw the rest out.
That’s one more thing that I’ve tried that didn’t work. Only a few more until I find out what does work! I heard a new idea that if you quit after you fail, then you will never have success. You have to get through all the failures until you find success. The failures are what lead you there. So every time I try an exercise or medication or method that fails, it can take me one step closer to success.
Anywho, my appointment went well. after spending 20 minutes on syntonics, I started on a balance board with the gem and I was getting depth when he was holding it several feet away. The depth wasn’t as strong, but it was still there. Talking always seems to help me, which is never a problem. LOL
Next, we did a fun shape and sorting game. There were triangles, squares, rectangles, and hexagons that were small and large, red, blue and yellow, and either thick or thin. At first I just sorted them however. But then he picked certain qualities (thin and small) and didn’t tell me and I had to figure out was he had picked by asking certain questions. It was a fun puzzle for my brain and I loved it. I’m not sure what it has to do with VT, but I needed to be good at something so maybe that was the only purpose.
Last we went on to do VTS4 which is always my favorite. I was still in a similar range with the last couple weeks so we are still keeping my prism at a 4. I did a little bit better so that’s good. The progress takes time. While I was doing multiple choice vergence (picking which item is closest to me) I felt a huge shift and gained a ton of depth. I realized I was looking at the screen, trying to see depth, but I needed to look beyond the screen. I actually felt my eyes diverge as I looked beyond and I was suddenly able to see so much more depth! I got all the way to 15, which is great, but the feeling and the sensation of depth was so strong and felt so right so that was the real success.