I was surprised to find this book four years after entering the vision therapy world. Written by Pilar Vergara, an optometrist from Spain who has 25 years of experience in the developmental optometry industry, “Crossed and Lazy Eyes” is an informative resource for anyone with strabismus or amblyopia.
The book aims to help anyone with strabismus (crossed eye) or amblyopia (lazy eye) to gain:
- An understanding of what their diagnosis means and how their vision functions.
- Options for treatment (both old and new options)
- Multiple, detailed vision therapy success stories for both children and adults with a range of severity.
- Evidence and research to debunk many myths about treating these conditions in adults and without exclusive patching.
This books is informative and I learned about many different options for treatment that gave me some new ideas, but my absolute favorite parts were the case studies.
Each one gave the perspective of the patient (and parent if it was a child) and the doctor’s notes on their course of treatment and clinical notes on acuity and eye turn improvements.

I found it fascinating that while there were similarities woven throughout each case study, each was unique and helped me see that no two strabismic brains are the same. Some trial and error is going to be necessary as the right treatment is discovered, but it is possible!
I found it fascinating that while there were similarities woven throughout each case study, each was unique and helped me see that no two strabismic brains are the same. Some trial and error is going to be necessary as the right treatment is discovered, but it is possible!
I definitely recommend this book and it is even free if you become a part of Kindle Unlimited! The kindle version was great and still included before/after pictures of multiple patients. The hardcopy isn’t necessary on this one.
Happy reading!