VT Appointment 22- It’s all About Peripheral Vision

Click here to read about last week’s appointment.

How did the Last Week Go?

Last week went great. I am back to being healthy…again. I have to recommit often, but I consistently see better results when I cut my sugar intake and increase veggies and fruit.

I’ve been working on the Brock string for the last few months and in the beginning I could only see the “X” on the closest bead. I worked and worked on getting the second bead and I finally have it! Now I’m pushing the limits to the 3rd bead and I’m able to get it for little flashes. I know it’s possible, I just need to keep stretching the limits that my brain seems to have.

Bead one is at 4 inches, Bead 2 is at 11 inches and bead 3 is at 20 inches. Just for reference sake.

I am having small moments of stereopsis as I go throughout my days. Usually it’s just a small flicker where something looks different. It happens a lot when I read my scriptures and get distracted and stare at my water bottle and the lid seems to just float in the air. The white is so white, and the black seems darker. Random, right?

I just keep practicing and trying to use both eyes whenever I have a chance to sit down and think for a moment. Dr. Dan keeps encouraging me to try to use both eyes in every day life…and I am obediently following orders!

How did the Appointment Go?

Today was great, I feel like these weekly appointments are making a big difference. I love having my exercises change each week and I feel like I am making so much more progress. Why does it have to be so expensive????


We started on VR and I played my normal game on Optics Trainer while Dr. Dan adjusted my prescription and made my brain freak out. I don’t know what exactly he is doing, but it gives me a headache and makes it harder to tell which bird is closest. I think he is separating the images that each eye is getting. This is like doing bicep curls, but for my eyes. If I can do it under difficult circumstances, it will be easier to do it in normal life.

I always love getting new exercises that give me a headache. Pain seems to precede progress.


On the VTS4 program I usually look at a ring and Dr. Dan makes it full size and adds the “shake” features which makes the ring shake from side to side. Today we tried without the shake feature on and I could still see some depth, but it was incredible when he turned it back on. The ring left the screen and was so close to me! It is so exciting to see all of this working for me and to watch my brain change. The progress is coming.

Space Fixator

Today I tried a new exercise called “Space Fixator.” It involves a clear sheet with black dots drawn on with permanent marker, kind of like a clock, with one dot right in the middle.

I use one hand at a time and put my hand, with the finger pointed, right next to my head so that the corresponding eye can see the finger in it’s peripheral vision (left hand, left eye). Then I keep both eyes focused on the center dot and move my finger towards one of the dots, only using my peripheral vision.

It sounds simple, but is so HARD for me! I have a hard time pointing right at the dot and seem to miss it, especially when I’m trying to keep both eyes engaged together. I am so excited, I think this will be a really beneficial exercise for me.

Gem Vectograph

I stood on the huge half-exercise ball and attempted to do the gem for a few minutes today. It was hard to balance, but I was able to get some great depth in the attempt. Progress is slow, but steady.

3D Anaglyphs

I ended with some time watching the butterflies 3D anaglyph on YouTube. It totally worked today and I was able to see that the forest was so deep. There is a fence and the posts were so vivd and I could just tell that it was 3D. For some reason I have a hard time seeing that 3D at home, but it the office it’s much easier. I wonder if it has to do with the resolution and size of the TV. I want to try turning off the lights and see if that helps, he always does that in the office.

Well, that’s a wrap. A great week and a great appointment. I feel like I am on top of the world and can do anything. I got some amazing advice from my life coach and just feel like everything is okay. I might not see these exercises in the same way as others, but that’s okay. My brain is different and may get there in a different way.

I was made for this!


  1. Flash Light Push Ups- Wear red/green glasses and bring a flashlight closer and further while trying to focus both eyes on it and keep it single. Start where it is single and slowly move further away and closer.
  2. Space Fixator- Start with finger pointed next to my face so I can view it out of my peripheral vision. While keeping my focus on the center dot, move hand and point to the dots around the peripheral. Try to accurately touch the dots right in the center.
  3. Gem Vectogram- Tape it to the window and work on visualizing it in front of or behind the window. Hold a target between me and the window and use that as a reference point to visualize it more easily.
  4. Virtual Reality- See the SPACE!

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